Welcome to our podcast

FamilyLife Today® is a three-time award-winning weekday podcast and nationally syndicated radio broadcast featuring Dave and Ann Wilson. In each episode, Dave and Ann interview different guests covering engaging and relevant topics that help families grow together with Jesus while pursuing the relationships that matter most.

Meet The Wilson’s

Dave and Ann Wilson are hosts of FamilyLife Today®.. Dave and Ann have been married for more than 38 years and have spent the last 33 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® marriage
getaway since 1993 and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country.

Is modern romance a recipe for heartache? Pastor Colin Outerbridge says it’s closer to greek mythology than Christianity. Hear the case for lasting romance.

Apologetics isn’t about winning arguments, but about winning people. Learn how to evangelize with emotional intelligence with evangelist Preston Perry.

Preston Perry was a troubled youth on Chicago’s South Side. Now he’s a passionate–and compassionate–evangelist. Hear his approach to win people to Jesus.

Musician and author Andrew Peterson chats about fueling kids’ imagination and creativity to open doors for the Kingdom of God.

Moms often feel guilty for nurturing their creativity. Ashley Gadd explores how embracing creativity and play can enrich both a mother’s life & her family.

Many moms feel like there’s just no time for their creative passions. Ashlee Gadd shares how God led her to create in the margins & hope for thriving.

God restored women in the Bible who faced shame and trauma, and He can restore us, too. Teresa Whiting shares practical advice for finding hope and healing.

Have you ever felt broken or bad? You’re not alone. Listen in as Teresa Whiting, writer & author, discusses overcoming shame and sexual brokenness.

Ever struggle with jealousy or sibling rivalry? Tale as old as time. Amberly Neese offers biblical insight on overcoming envy, with siblings & beyond.

Even in healthy relationships, disagreements and conflict will arise. Amberly Neese wants to help us navigate conflict well by finding common ground.