Think back to a time that you had a strategy for accomplishing a goal. How did having a strategy help you accomplish the goal? How might having a prayer strategy affect your marriage, your family, your legacy?
Alex Kendrick said that to be effective in praying for our marriages we need to: 1) be right with God; 2) be right with others; 3) have the right weapon; and 4) aim at the right enemy. Of these four, which is the most challenging for you, and why?
Alex Kendrick spoke of seven ways we can pray for our spouse:
Love God with all your heart.
Find identity and contentment in Christ.
Be hard to offend and quick to forgive.
Love and fulfill each other.
Pursue justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
Delight in the Lord and not the world.
Walk in integrity and keep your commitments.
Of these seven, which do you see most prominently displayed in your spouse?