Session 4: Different Kids, Different Discipline

Session 4: Different Kids, Different Discipline

Welcome to Session 4 of this five-part training series on the art of parenting on discipline. Play the video below to continue.


The Bible says that discipline will bring about “the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11). In the moment, discipline can be a challenge, but it must be done for the child’s long-term success. However, just as there are positive outcomes, there can be negative ones–if discipline is applied inappropriately.

Major Points:

  • Some of the greatest lessons in life come amidst pain, if there’s no sting, then what you get is a spoiled child, and you don’t want that.
  • We don’t want to be overly strict, and yet clearly the Bible envisions that there is an appropriate use of some physical discipline in raising our children.
  • Never ever spank out of anger, because now you’re showing a lack of self-control, and self-discipline. The very thing probably that you’re disciplining your child for.
  • “As parents, our goal isn’t behavior modification, our goal isn’t just morality. Morality is an outcome. The goal we’re looking for is spiritual formation.”  —Phil Vischer
  • “The best tool for discipline is to catch them doing something right.”  — Ron Deal
  • “One of the limitations on spanking is who can do it. Newly adoptive parents, foster parents, stepparents who are new on the scene, just beginning to develop relationship with a child—it’s advisable that they not use spanking. It’s your bond and trust with a child that gives credibility to the message behind spanking. And if you’re still working on the bond, you need to stay away from it.”  — Ron Deal

Memory Verses:

“Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.” – Proverbs 23:13