Archived Podcast Episodes
Chris Singleton: Your Life Matters
Could celebrating each child’s unique image of God help heal racial division? Speaker Chris Singleton discusses his new children’s book, Your Life Matters.
Going the Extra Mile
Her only complaint? That they didn’t come into her life earlier.
Racial Violence, Loss, and Finding Your Way Out: Chris Singleton
On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host speaker and baseball pro, Chris Singleton, who speaks about his mother’s death to racial violence—as well as seeking God amidst his gut-wrenching loss.
30-Second Kiss
Want to connect with your spouse? Try a 30-second kiss.
Overcoming Insecurity with our Bodies: Rachael Gilbert
Body image issues can come up for young or old, guys or girls. Counselor and author, Rachael Gilbert, offers hope for overcoming insecurity and supporting others.
One in 1052 Marriages
Everyone seems to know the divorce statistic in the country..
Veteran’s Day
For military stepfamilies combat is not the only battle they face.
Image Restored: Rachael Gilbert
We all have bodies. And, sometimes, we have body image issues. Listen as counselor and author, Rachael Gilbert, shares her story and approach to healing.
From Favorite To Least Favorite
My favorite thing about you when we first got married is you were so laid back….
Posting Filters for Your Kids
Are you sure you want to post that?
Answering Teens’ Tough Questions: Michael Kruger
Not sure how to answer tough questions kids ask? Michael Kruger, author of “Surviving Religion 101,” offers answers for teens’ vital questions.
Check the Extension Cord
Okay I have a marriage tip of the day..
Becoming a Tech-Wise Family
Don’t let your smartphone turn you into a dummy.
Surviving Religion: Michael Kruger
Are your kids college-ready? Michael Kruger, author of “Surviving Religion 101,” examines how to prep teens for surviving religion—and keeping the faith.
Look Up and Look Around
I remember driving around and I see this teenage kid..
Defeating Jealousy (Proverbs 27)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scored. Or anyone else for that matter.
Family Conflict in the Time of Cancel Culture: Tim Muehlhoff & Sean McDowell
Do disagreements with family strain relationship at times? Learn to approach family conflict with wisdom and winsomeness with Tim Muehlhoff and Sean McDowell.
Dave’s Stitches Had Ann in Stitches
So I walked around for two years without my two front teeth..
Keep Your Enemies Closer
When you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, don’t move away-move toward.
Moving Past Cancel Culture: Tim Muehlhoff & Sean McDowell
How do we move away from cancel culture? One way—according to Tim Muehlhoff and Sean McDowell—is growing in listening skills. Listen in for help!