Scott and Vanessa Martindale

Scott and Vanessa Martindale founded Blended Kingdom Families (BKF) in 2020 with a passionate desire to equip and encourage blended families and married couples as well as to help the local church cultivate community among blended families. Scott and Vanessa believe blended families have suffered far too long in silence, and now is their time for restoration and redemption. Through faith and radical obedience, Scott and Vanessa have partnered with God to better equip the local church to reach blended families. BKF exists to break the generational cycle of divorce by equipping marriages and uniting blended families with the truth of God’s Word.

Scott is a Licensed Professional Therapist, and for more than 17 years he has helped couples, marriages, and families on their journey through life’s challenges. Vanessa is a registered nurse, and she is pursuing a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at The King’s University. Scott and Vanessa reside in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex with their four sons and four golden retrievers.

Episodes appearing in

Litigation creates stress and anxiety for stepfamilies, but there are ways to experience peace in the midst of it. Listen to Ron Deal with Scott & Vanessa Martindale on how to find resolution in custody cases that best meets the needs of your child. View Show Notes →
People of faith want their family to be a Kingdom family—centered in God's Word and rooted in truth and grace. Ron Deal speaks with Scott and Vanessa Martindale, founders of Blended Kingdom Families, on how to create that kind of family. View Show Notes →