Tazwell and Bonita Thornton knew they needed help in their new marriage. So they attended one of our Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways. That weekend proved to be a turning point for the Thorntons, but not in the way they expected. The getaway did more than help them in their marriage. It also revealed a ministry they could share—helping other couples learn how they could build a strong, godly marriage.
The Thorntons began by starting a small-group study for couples in their church in Baltimore using the HomeBuilders Couples Series®, now retooled as The Art of Marriage® Connect Series. Then they began using our Preparing for Marriage curriculum to teach premarried couples about the basics of marriage. After 17 years of ministry, this couple said they had taken more than 5,000 people through HomeBuilders studies, and more than 1,600 people through Preparing for Marriage.
And that’s the impact of just one couple.