Joe and Cindi Ferrini recall the birth of their son, Joey. First diagnosed with cerebral palsy, they were later devastated to learn Joey was also mentally impaired. The Ferrinis share how they emotionally processed Joey’s disabilities. Joe and Cindi tell what they did to strengthen their marriage in the midst of doctor visits, therapy sessions, and meeting Joey’s continual needs.
Dr. Joe Ferrini practiced dentistry for 41 years and has recently retired. He and Cindi are on self -supporting staff with Cru. Cindi is a speaker and author (Balancing the Active Life, Get it Together, No Regrets, Pause for Prayer). Together they authored Unexpected Journey-When Special Needs Change Our Course. Their new book (12/19/2019) is Love All-Ways: Embracing Marriage Together on the Special Needs Journey. They have been guests on such radio broadcasts as Focus on the Family and FamilyLife Today and are former speakers at FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember marriage conferences. They host My Marriage Matters on WCRF in Cleveland, Ohio. The Ferrini’s live in Cleveland with one son at home with special needs, two married daughters, two sons-in-law, and 3 grandsons living nearby.