How can a parent respond when their child is married to a toxic person? Author and counselor Doyle Roth describes ways to wade through the difficulties that come with those hard relationships. He talks about preserving relationships as you navigate difficult patterns of behavior. Doyle also talks about how to know when someone is toxic and what to do about it.
As a successful businessman, president of a nonprofit ministry and long-term leader in his localchurch, Doyle Roth has worked with hundreds of couples from every walk of life. He's seen thepower of God's Word heal hurting marriages and he's watched man-to-man confrontation revivehardened hearts.
Doyle’s reputation as a straight shooter, passionate evangelist, and caring friend has made him asought-after counselor and public speaker. Doyle offers a seasoned approach to family life rootedin the Scriptures and in his own life experience.
In addition to his counseling work, Doyle has now enjoyed nearly sixty years of "happily ever after"marriage with his wife, Nancy. They have four grown children, twelve grandchildren, six greatgrandchildren and make their home on the family ranch in Colorado.
Doyle is the author of Oops! I Forgot My Wife, Oops! I Forgot My Wife Discussion Guide (with PaulSanthouse), Oops! We Forgot the Kids and Toxic Sons-and Daughters-in-Law.