Brian and Diane Fromme
Brian and Diane Fromme have been married 25 years–a second marriage for both of them. Diane was divorced with no children, and Brian, with two children, lost his first wife to cancer. Diane, a grief author and workshop leader, birthed her book Stepparenting the Grieving Child when she craved but couldn’t find specific guidance to help raise Brian’s children after their mom died. She and Brian agreed that the stories and research Diane collected could help other families learn from the steps and missteps that can easily transpire in a grieving family system. After 25 years the couple can share honestly about what worked and didn’t work along the way. Diane has spoken about the joys and challenges of raising grieving children at The Summit on Stepfamily Ministry, The National Alliance for Grieving Children Symposium, and the National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education Summit. The Frommes currently reside in Fort Collins, Colorado.