To The Single Mom on Mother’s Day
I see you, single mom. I know you’re out there, and you may be struggling today on Mother’s Day.
Maybe there is no one who will take your kids out to buy you flowers and a cheesy card. You may not have someone who will take your kids to grant your Mother’s Day wish of one single hour to yourself. Your kids may not even remember that it’s Mother’s Day. So this day might end up feeling like any other day.
Being a single parent can look different for everyone. Whether divorced, widowed, or never married, you’re a strong single mother to the children God gave you. And I’m sure at times—maybe all the time—it’s hard.
God sees you
But God sees you. He sees the work you do early in the morning or late at night to keep food on the table. He sees the nights when one of your kids is sick so you don’t sleep a wink. Yet then, you turn around and work an entire day at your job. He sees you sacrificing yourself time and time again so your child can play soccer or go to a ballet class. He sees you and He loves you.
He’s proud of you and thinks the world of you. It may feel like no one sees you, but I’m here to tell you the God of the universe sees you. And He wants you to lean on Him. Whether or not you have someone else to lean on, He wants to be your strong shoulder. First Peter 5:7 says to cast “all your anxieties on [the Lord], because He cares for you.”
Your investment is worth it
So please, keep trudging on. Keep loving. Keep working. Your kids may not understand all you’re doing for them right now, but someday they will. And on that day, and many others, they’ll thank you.
They’ll remember all the nights you sat with them and helped with their homework, even though all you wanted to do was collapse into bed. Someday, when they have their own kids, they’ll realize all you did all by yourself. They’ll say, “Wow, Mom, thank you.”
And even if they never do, you’re no less of a rock star. You are no less of a warrior. No less of a person of immense worth. You are amazing. Inspiring. You are a true hero. Please always know that.
Happy Mother’s Day, single mom. You deserve this day the most.
Copyright © 2019 Jenn Grandlienard. All rights reserved.
Jenn Grandlienard grew up an East Coast Philly girl, but now loves calling the Midwest her home. She lives in Xenia, Ohio with her husband, Stuart, two sons, Knox and Zeke, and pup, Stella. Jenn and her husband work with Athletes in Action, a ministry of Cru that teaches college athletes what it means to have a relationship with Jesus. She loves to read, work out, laugh really hard with friends, and spend time with her husband and boys. You can check out her blog about all these things and more at OurGrandLife.com. Find her on Instagram at @mrsjenngrand and on Facebook.