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What to Do After Valentine’s Day

I’m not one who does holidays up big. Some people may enjoy making a big deal out of Memorial Day, New Year’s Eve, and the Fourth of July, but not me.

Now before you start thinking it’s just my lame attempt to avoid treating my wife special on Valentine’s Day, you need to know that I’m a real romantic at heart. I don’t need a special day as an excuse to woo my wife. To me, romancing Ellie only on Valentine’s Day would be like remembering Jesus only on Christmas and Easter.

We guys tend to think that romancing our wives means making a big deal: a dozen red roses, dinner at a nice restaurant, a weekend away at a bed and breakfast. Actually, you may have noticed that your wife would probably rather be romanced every day with little things that remind her you’re thinking of her, you still love her, and you’re willing to pursue her.

This Valentine’s Day may be a hit for you, or it may be a miss. But honestly, the little things you do after Valentine’s Day–the other 364 days of the calendar–have a whole lot more to do with keeping romance alive in your relationship.

Is your love for real? Find out in Bob Lepine's new book, Love Like You Mean It.

14 ideas to romance your wife

Regardless of how you did on February 14, you can use these tips to romance your wife through the rest of the month to build a daily habit of letting her know what she means to you.

  1. Look in her eyes and just listen.
  2. Remember your wife is God’s gift to you. Thank Him for her and tell her you did so.
  3. Each day in the rest of the month leave her a Hershey’s kiss where she’ll be sure to find it. Ask her to save the paper flags in a jar and redeem them for actual kisses.
  4. Using dry erase markers, leave a note to your sweetie on the bathroom mirror.
  5. Compliment your wife in front of others – especially your kids. You may be the only one in her life who’s doing it!
  6. Write out your wedding vows on a small card and sign your name to them. Put the card somewhere she will see every day.
  7. Hold her hand whenever you’re in public together.
  8. Women view romance differently from men. Ask your wife to describe what’s romantic to her. Don’t be surprised when her ideas sound very different from yours.
  9. Snuggle (just snuggle!) in bed and tell her all the things you admire about her.
  10. When you see your wife after work, kiss her. Not just a peck on the cheek. Really kiss her.
  11. Find the book your wife is reading and leave some encouraging notes in it every 20 pages or so.
  12. Make foreplay the focus. Focus on her: Play with her hair, caress her face, and gently stroke her arms and legs. Let things build slowly.
  13. Make a stop on your way home from work and pick up that special treat your wife just loves.
  14. Bathe the kids. Clean the kitchen. Fold the laundry. Make the bed. Do whatever she normally does. Tell her to relax.

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