Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace met in 1986 when they were seated at the “singles” table at a friend’s wedding. He fell in love with her quick wit, she fell in love with his motorcycle, and (after selling the motorcycle to buy her engagement ring) they were married just a year later.
Now, for more than 35 years the Graces have been writing, teaching, and speaking nationally to thousands of couples, churches, and college students on healthy Christ-centered relationships, dating, and marriage. Together, they co-lead the Center for Marriage and Relationships at Biola University, where Chris is a social psychologist and full professor, and Alisa is an adjunct faculty member. They also co-teach an undergraduate course on Christian relationships and co-host the popular podcast, The Art of Relationships.
The Graces co-authored the Marriage Mentoring Workbook and Video Series, and serve on the speaking team for FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember marriage conferences. Chris and Alisa live in Southern California and have two adult children married to fabulous spouses, as well as their unexpected blessing who is a senior at Biola University.