The countdown to the magical, most anticipated day of the year has begun.
During this month of festivities, we experience long held traditions around a tree. We long for warmth and romance in the sparkling light. We anticipate new memories with seldom seen loved ones.
Every year December continues to draw us home for the holidays. But it seems like the hope of Christmas is so easily disrupted in our real lives by fractured families, tense relationships, and stresses of the season.
Yet, December continues to echo reconciliation.
That’s because the first Christmas long ago began with God initiating reconciliation with man. He still seeks that today. And reconciliation between God and man during this Advent can spark the reconciliation with each other we’re all longing for as we head home for the holidays.
This Advent Devotional covers one topic each week: generosity, reconciliation, relationship, and restoration. The daily devotionals remind all of us that God’s plan to bring us to Himself is possible. And we can trust Him to make all things right again through His precious Son.
Download the devotional to make peace in your heart and with others this Christmas season.