Session 1.1

Session 1: The Goal of Parenting

Art. Parenting.

Both beautiful, both insanely messy.

Masterpieces aren’t made overnight. (Or blindfolded.) Catch the vision for what parenting can be, and get ready for something breathtaking.

What greatness will God create from your chaos?

1.1.1 Watch the Video

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!

If my child behaves, does that mean I did things right?

We all want kids who obey (uh. And who make us look good).

But is it possible we could have well-behaved kids…and miss the boat?

1.1.2 Take Aim Questions

Our “Take Aim” questions will give you opportunities to process and sometimes  journal–to help you personally apply parenting principles that will set you up for success.

As you begin this Art of Parenting online course, what rating would you give yourself as a parent right now?