Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!
Could there be something more important than growing our kids’ minds (and those DVD’s to help your baby learn 15 languages)?
Their capacity to give and receive love in healthy relationships can launch them into flourishing, full lives.
(Even more than fluent Mandarin.)
Build your kids’ hearts and launch them into a lifetime of love.
Take Aim Questions
Take some time to journal and process the questions below, they’ll help you apply parenting principles that will set you up for success.
Are you happy with the friends that your kids have chosen?
Is there a particular friend you have concerns about? If so, what are the top areas of concern?
What particular relational strengths do you (and your spouse, if married) bring that you can invest in your child?
How do you help your children learn to apologize and accept an apology? To seek forgiveness and to offer it?
How can you make kindness a priority in your home?
The Need To Know
As long as you love me
God’s commands are summed up in two commandments. Both begin with “love”.
Your kids’ ability to love and develop healthy relationships will ultimately determine their true success, and much of their lives’ course.
Successful relationship training requires years of daily, nitty-gritty perseverance.
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