It’s more than just one day a year.

Great marriages don’t just happen; they’re cultivated. They take time, energy, dedication, and love to go from surviving … to thriving.

While we could easily fall into thinking about these things one or two days a year (your anniversary or Valentine’s), we don’t want to miss the chance to cultivate, grow, and strengthen our marriages each and every day.

In the Stronger Forever guide, we’ve created a FREE six-week plan for you and your spouse to reach those personal relationship goals you may have been putting off.

To help you get started, we’ve pulled together:

  • Activities for you two to complete together, focused on your different love languages, like words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, etc. 
  • Opportunities for spiritual connection can be found through reading a passage from the Bible and a suggested prayer for you two.
  • Additional weekly resources you can read or listen to if you want to dive a little deeper.

We invite you to pick which practical ideas work best for you, and we hope you see your marriage look a bit stronger in the end!

We can’t wait to come alongside you in this journey. Fill out the form below to get started.

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