Preview Art of Parenting®

Thank you for your interest in FamilyLife’s Art of Parenting®! Enjoy the free session one video and session one from the small group workbook.

Remember, don’t go it alone! Our ministry advisors are available to answer questions Monday through Friday from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. CST at 1-800-FL-Today or

Watch session one

Read session one

The participant workbook includes questions for group discussion, activities for individual reflection and growth, and additional parenting articles. Plus, an interactive activity runs throughout the eight sessions and results in a parenting plan unique to each child.

Get the group kit

Inspired by Psalm 127:4, this new eight-session small-group study offers parents renewed confidence, fresh insights on raising children at different ages, and a parenting plan unique to each child’s personality and gifting.