You’re being lied to about love.
The typical version of this lie? A thrill ride of emotions, brain chemicals, selfishness, even lust. It means we’re encouraged to settle for a cubic-zirconia version of love when there’s a diamond at stake.
We tend to associate love with “I like the way you make me feel.” But that can also mean, “When I stop feeling this way, I’m out.”
We get married to get. Not give.
FamilyLife Today co-host and renowned author Bob Lepine pulls us back from the Top 40, dreamy novels, and rom-coms. Instead, he’ll help you dive into how God defines and displays true love: the love your soul craves.
Be empowered to love the way God designed!
Each session of this online course includes:
- A brief kick-starter to get things rolling
- An engaging 15-20-minute video
- Discussion questions to enhance your own relationship
- A short post-session devotional reading and couple’s challenge
There’s also a personal assessment before you begin the course to help you target areas of strength and needed growth.