Quick Start Guide
You’ll need about 15 minutes to take our “How Can I Be a Better Lover?” assessment as individuals. All results will be kept completely anonymous. Though we definitely encourage you to share your results with your spouse, if you’re not ready to share everything just yet, perhaps share something that interests you or something you’d love your spouse to understand.
Be careful to not unload any frustration, but discuss this subject with great sensitivity! Sex can be tightly knit with our identity and sense of connection.
What’s the goal of this course, you ask? We want to grow our marriages to be holistically and increasingly “naked and unashamed” (Genesis 2:25).
You’ll benefit most from this course if you are open to learning and practicing communication skills around a sensitive subject. We’ll help guide you so you know what to talk about and how to navigate!
When you take this course, we’re assuming your marriage is in a place of some stability to allow you to grow in your sexual relationship.
If you consider your marriage to be in crisis, you may find this course challenging. In this case, we suggest our Weekend to Remember® as a resource to regain stability in your relationship.
Content from this online course was developed by a team of trusted clinical psychologists, therapists, and counselors.
However, please note that this course is not equivalent to, nor a replacement for, therapy.
It’s also worth noting that one-on-one feedback is unavailable through this online course, though we are praying for you and cheering you on in your desire to learn and grow!
For your own benefit and use, we ask a series of questions to elicit an anonymous, detailed picture of your sex life and provide automated feedback based on your general needs as a couple.
Assessments have an appropriate use and have been beneficial in providing clarity and direction. However, they may not be the most reliable and accurate means of illustrating any couple’s entire marital relationship.