Through tears, 17-year-old Julia confessed to the team that she had been living “in deep…
Tim and Kathy Bush’s marriage was far from ideal—alcohol, affairs, and isolation were rooted deep….
Parenting has a way, in moments uproarious and others not-so-much, of bringing us to our…
When you see another Christian family thriving, does it make you wonder how Jesus can…
When you see a red light, do you drive right through it or stop because…
Church and spiritual growth are two peas in a pod. Check out these six tips…
Three decades as a pastor have made author Stephen Viars reconsider: Their church longs to…
In this quick, free, mini-course, learn how to lead dynamic, life-transforming “community experiences.”
Author Don Everts knows what it’s like to feel disconnected in your own neighborhood. But…
What’s the difference between those who say they’re Christians and actual followers of Jesus? Author…
Some phrases can simply minimize a person’s pain. Here are some ideas of what not…
What could it look like to comfort someone who had a miscarriage or a friend…