Host the Stepping Up Small-Group Series
Steps for leading the small-group series
“Many are the plans of a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21, NIV). Before you begin the Stepping Up video series, stop and commit your plans to the Lord. Prayer is the starting point of any ministry endeavor. Unless the Holy Spirit is at work, the hearts of men will not be changed. Include prayer for the men who will attend the series. - MEET WITH YOUR PASTOR.
If you haven’t already, share with your pastor, men’s ministry leader, or another staff member about the Stepping Up video series and gain his support for hosting the study. - CHOOSE A LOCATION.
Will your Stepping Up video series be for the men of your church or will you invite men from other churches and/or the community at large? The number of participants will determine where you host the series. Since content is delivered by DVD, make sure the location has sufficient video and audio capabilities as well as room for men to break up into small groups for the group discussion times. Also, make sure the site is available at the same time over the course of the entire study if possible. - SET THE SCHEDULE.
The series includes 10 sessions held over 10 weeks. Allow 60 – 90 minutes for each session. - ORDER MATERIALS.
Order the Stepping Up video series leader kit which includes the DVDs and other materials you will need to host the series. Once you know how many men will be attending, order workbooks for each one. - PREVIEW THE VIDEO SESSIONS AND WORKBOOK.
While each session’s content will be presented on DVD, you will want to be familiar with it. - DETERMINE IF YOU WILL CHARGE A FEE.
Decide if the church will provide workbooks or if men will pay for their own. If you are paying a facility fee, decide whether you will charge attendees a fee to help cover the cost. - PROMOTE THE SERIES.
Find promotional downloads and resources listed below.
Tips on promoting the video series
- Distribute flyers in Sunday school classes or small groups.
- Put up posters in well-traveled areas, such as hallways, classrooms, and restrooms.
- Request an announcement on the church’s website, in newsletters, and in the worship service; send an email to men.
- Place a banner ad on your church website.
- Ask your pastor to endorse the series and encourage men to attend.
- Show a promo video in a worship service, in men’s Sunday school classes, and in men’s small groups.
- Set up an information table before and after services.
If you are opening your group up to other churches or the larger community:
- Place posters in other churches and in community businesses (ask permission first).
- Send an invitation through Facebook to your Facebook friends and ask them to forward it to their friends as well.
- Send a Twitter message to your followers.
- Request a public service announcement on your community’s radio station and/or cable provider’s community channel.
- If feasible, place an ad on local websites and in local newspapers.
Before the Series
If you have not already offered a Stepping Up video event, consider kicking off the video series with the one-day event.
After the Series
Honor men who complete the video series with a commissioning ceremony.
Tips on promoting the video series
Small-group Series Brochure
If you would like to order pre-printed brochures to promote your group, please call 1-800-358-6329. Ask for product #BRO18898. The brochures are free, but shipping charges will apply.