FamilyLife Blended Resources
FamilyLife Blended® provides biblically-based resources that help prevent re-divorce, strengthen stepfamilies, and help break the generational cycle of divorce.
Strengthening Stepfamilies
Are you part of a blended family? These resources were made just for you. Click on one of the links below, or download this comprehensive chart listing all our resources with descriptions.
FamilyLife Blended podcast
FamilyLife Blended® provides timeless wisdom and practical help and hope for blended families and those who love them. Join Ron L. Deal, LMFT, LPC as he and his guests discuss a wide variety of marriage, family, and relationship topics related to blended families.
Preparing to Blend
Prepare for life as a couple and a blended family long after the wedding ceremony. Tips and resources are here for both couples and mentors as they are Preparing to Blend.
Devotional Readings:
FamilyLife Blended has a number of reading plans available on YouVersion that provides practical, realistic solutions to the unique issues that stepfamilies face. You can access this great content through the YouVersion app on your smartphone or on their website.
Downloadable Resources
For Families
Help for Blended Families (pdf) Steps to help your family succeed.
First Year Survival Guide (pdf) Created for couples in their first year of marriage.
The Smart Stepfamily Marriage Mentor Guide (pdf) This FREE companion small-group guide encourages transparency and intensifies your learning experience. Whether you are dating, engaged, or already married, learn how to beat the odds of divorce and help other couples do the same.
10 Tips to Get Started (pdf) Avoid money drama and plan your blended family future.
Help for Military Stepfamilies If you are a military stepfamily, try these tips for managing the stress and maintaining the peace in your blended family household.
For Leaders
Preparing to Blend Leader’s Guide (pdf) This download and the Preparing to Blend book by Ron Deal gives you a premarital program specifically designed for blended family couples.
Marriage Ministry Tip Sheet (pdf) For blended marriages and families.
Ministering to Students in Stepfamilies (pdf) You don’t have to be an expert, but the more you learn about blended families the better mentor, coach, and advisor you will be to both students and their parents.
Military Marriage Ministry Tip Sheet (pdf) Specifically for military blended marriages and families.
The Smart Stepfamily Marriage Mentor Guide (pdf) This FREE companion small-group guide encourages transparency and intensifies your learning experience. Whether you are dating, engaged, or already married, learn how to beat the odds of divorce and help other couples do the same.
The Difference Between Leading In-Person and Virtual Small Groups (pdf) We believe virtual groups can be very effective tools for discipleship (though not quite as effective as in-person groups) and having participants from various parts of the world can be invigorating.
Men’s Ministry (pdf) Good news! In order to minister to blended families, you don’t have to create a whole new ministry. Just bring stepfamily awareness into your current men’s ministry.
Women’s Ministry (pdf) Good news! In order to minister to blended families, you don’t have to create a whole new ministry. Just bring stepfamily awareness into your current women’s ministry.
Leadership and the Backbone of Stepfamily Ministry Compiled by Ron Deal with collaborative input from Jeff and Judi Parziale, Gil and Brenda Stuart, and Gordon and Carrie Taylor.
Visit to see our resources for blended families in Spanish.
Visita para ver nuestros recursos para familias reconstituidas en español.

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“We started our stepfamily ministry in the fall. We have twenty or so couples who attend on a somewhat regular basis on Sundays and for monthly social activities…Several non-churched families attended the workshop and have started to attend the Sunday morning class. Many of our families have changed so much of what they do and how they act…Thank you so much. Marriages have been saved and even more important, some lives are being opened up by the Holy Spirit.” – Dave Williams, Canton, Ohio