Hey, blended families. We see you.

We get it. Blended marriages have their own DNA. Their own complexity; their own issues.
And that’s why we’ve created a breakout session just for you. Our topics and tools range from making your spouse a priority to facilitating healthy, unified blended relationships.
FamilyLife Blended, led by counselor, author, and blended family expert Ron Deal, has helped thousands of blended families across the country unpack strategies crucial to healthy blended marriages.
This was the perfect weekend to remember why we got married, God’s purpose in our blended family, and the ways I can be a better helper and support to my husband as we navigate our marriage.
Wife, married 3 years
We were able to identify some of our natural differences, as well as some of our baggage from previous marriages and work toward coming together. My spouse is no longer my enemy.
Wife, married 10 years