Show your employees Christ.

Make an eternal impact through Weekend to Remember® Corporate Sponsorship.

At FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember®, your employees learn game-changing biblical marriage concepts in non-threatening, engaging ways.

Offering a paid registration could strengthen and even save their relationships—or offer a life-altering encounter with God.

What are healthy marriages worth to your company?

Sponsoring your employees’ Weekend to Remember means their homes become more life-giving, more weatherproof.

Workers are energized, less distracted, and more productive.

In sponsoring a couple to the Weekend to Remember, you might offer vital help that means the world to a marriage. A child. And the children after them.

Shape a corporate culture that reaps the benefits of keeping first things first.

Corporate Sponsorship | FamilyLife® | Banner

How does it work?

Weekend to Remember Corporate Sponsorships provide a convenient way for business owners or influencers to invest in employees by covering the cost of their registration to attend the Weekend to Remember® getaway.

To help you promote the Corporate Sponsorship Program within your business, we have developed special materials for your use―Weekend to Remember brochures, inserts, posters―as well as links to promotional videos.

For more information and Corporate Pricing, please email your FamilyLife Advisor at or call 877-352-2543 to get started!

In the lives of those who don’t know Christ, a business owner has 8,212 times the influence of a pastor.

You know [sponsoring the Weekend to Remember] is an incredible investment that not only impacts that couple today but their family for generations to come.

Sponsoring CEO

The cost to provide this is so little. The Return on Investment is so great.

Human Resources Director

If you just save one marriage…

Human Resources Director

Videos from our Guests

For more information and Corporate Pricing, please email your FamilyLife Advisor at or call 877-352-2543 to get started!