Reviews & Stories
Life has been busy and intense. This weekend away was a wonderful opportunity to connect on a deeper level emotionally, spiritually, and physically!
Married 5 years
Don’t Just Take It From Us

Truly a “Weekend to Remember”
After 5+ decades of marriage and being a follower of Jesus Christ for as many years, I thought I had this marriage thing down pretty well. What I discovered this weekend was that there were so many more things that I needed to learn and to do to have true oneness in marriage. I learned better ways of listening and understanding my wife’s feelings and desires and to truly know her better. I’ve discovered ways to look at my own attitudes and behaviors and how they can, both positively and negatively, effect our relationship. I’m sure that these three days will bring about new levels of closeness, intimacy and warmth to our relationship and that this will truly be a “Weekend to Remember.”
Married 55 years
Building a firm foundation
Building a firm foundation for my fiancé and I to have a Christ like marriage.
We can have a beautiful life together
It gave us a needed boost. We got married 10 years ago and it was 10 years ago we visited our first WTR conference. The ebs and flows of life have not been easy. I'm glad we received the reminder that we are not in this alone and we can have a beautiful life together.
Married 10 years
It was amazing
I felt like my fiancé and I got really close this weekend and he’s never wrote me a love letter in three years being together it was amazing
We wanted to be proactive in our marriage
We haven't really been having any issues per say, but we wanted to be proactive in our marriage. We have learned of many ways to properly say things and to properly love each other. We have had a great time.
Married 3 years
Gave me hope that we can have a happy marriage again
We've been going to marriage counseling and it really helped solidify some of the things we've heard. We were able to address some emotional abuse that had been happening and while counseling saved us from separation, this conference gave me hope that we can have a happy marriage again.
Married 4 years
Get to the root of our feelings behind issues
Time away from our two little kiddos, as we expect another baby coming soon! Time to focus on each other and reignite passionate intimacy and uncomfortable conversations to get to the root of our feelings behind issues.
Married 4 years
Weaving the gospel into marriage makes all the difference
We had a chance to be alone and had many topics brought up to intentionally discuss. Weaving the gospel into marriage makes all the difference. We are all accountable to God for how we treat each other and the example we give to our kids and other couples.
Married 4 years
We needed some time together
Jump starting our marriage and giving us an intentional weekend together. We just had our second baby and we knew we needed some time together in this season. This has given us a fire to do better and actionable steps to make our marriage even greater!
Married 5 years
The perfect complement to some recent counseling
This was the perfect complement to some recent counseling, and intense prayer and Bible study we have been doing. The Date to remember last night had us both in tears and bringing our whole hearts to the table in a way we never have before. This was so uplifting for us and the encouragement we needed as we continue through this difficult season of rebuilding trust and recovery.
Married 8 years
We would recommend this to anyone who is married
My wife and I are on our second retreat and would recommend this group to anyone who is married….We love the unification and inclusion of both spouses and how this group gives both men and women the spiritual tools they need to move towards oneness with each other having God as the center of their marriage. God Bless this group. Thank you for what you do.
Married 8 years
Disordered priorities
I had no idea how disordered my priorities were. I thought I could make my marriage thrive without truly putting God in the center.
Married 9 years