Reader Responses Is Marriage a Dying Institution
On May 16, 2011, Dave Boehi wrote an article called “Is Marriage a ‘Dying Institution’?” Readers were invited to respond, and here are 100 of their comments.
On May 16, 2011, Dave Boehi wrote an article called “Is Marriage a ‘Dying Institution’?” Readers were invited to respond, and here are 100 of their comments.
Sweet Love My husband and I recently celebrated 38 years of marriage. I stillRead More »
Always put your relationship with the Lord first and foremost! You can’t change yourRead More »
Reader responses to the question, “What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has done for you?”
Is allowing your children to sleep with you the bes idea?
A Christ-centered marriage allows you to love your spouse, not out of duty, but because you are first loved by Christ.
Readers describe nightmares and challenges they faced as they began marriage.
In the June 7, 2010 issue of Marriage Memo, Mary Larmoyeux wrote about “ProposalRead More »