JD and Veronica Greear offer 10 tips to feed healthy relationships and genuine community in your marriage.
Author Debra Fileta provides a fresh perspective in the struggle for compromise—and how the 'me, myself, and I' mindset can harm your marriage.
Explore the power of "I see you" in relationships, with FamilyLife President David Robbins and his wife Meg, along with Real Life Loading... host Shelby Abbott. They explore groundbreaking insights from top 2023 guests like Ted Lowe, Dane Ortlund, Don Eve
A stronger marriage: What's it take? FamilyLife President David Robbins and his wife Meg relate marriage tools toward a more weatherproof forever.
Soon after the wedding, we learn marriage communication is less about how much we talk and more about what we talk about.
If you avoid what's beneath your marital conflict…it'll probably keep happening. Former FamilyLife Today cohost Bob Lepine helps you get to what gets you.
Fed up with your spouse? Author Bob Lepine helps you trade blame, dissatisfaction, and disappointment for a stronger, richer, and more rewarding marriage.
Parents face devastating loss when alienated from their children due to a former spouse. But there is hope for redemption! Dr. Richard Marks shares his story with Ron Deal of re-connecting with his mom as an adult and enjoying a thriving relationship with her.
Ready to dip into more from the FamilyLife podcast network? Don't miss all-star samples touching on topics from same-sex attraction to nagging in marriage.
What does it mean to work smarter, not harder? How do we apply that to our relationships and why is it important? Listen to Ron Deal and Gayla Grace talk about unique blended family dynamics and the value of intentional behavior as we build relationships.
If you're looking to take your next date-night convo to the next level, try out these 25 questions to ask your spouse.
Anger with your spouse can be real! FamilyLife President David Robbins & wife Meg describe their power source and strategies on how to deal with conflict.
No one feels prepared for raising teens. But you can do this! Author Gary Chapman reveals What I wish I'd known and ways to redefine your relationship.
Is it hard for you to depend on people? Author Jennie Allen discusses friendship in marriage and community—the kind that says “lean on me.”
A significant chunk of "the book of love," a.k.a. Song of Solomon, talks about conflict. Matt Chandler, Tiffany Lee, Chip Ingram, and Tim Muehlhoff address the dynamics involved in conflict, and coach us toward resolution and closer relationships in the aftermath.
When you suspect your marriage problem is actually your spouse -- what then? Author Dean Inserra plunges into what to expect from marriage when it goes wrong.
Most of us dream of deeper emotional intimacy with our spouse but have no idea how to achieve it. Instead, we tend numb or fix what we feel.
Life has a way of moving us into roommates in marriage when we want to be soulmates. Ron Deal talks with Dr. Greg Smalley about how to stay deeply connected with one another, even during seasons of exhaustion or busyness, with a few intentional actions.
Conversations with external processors can feel like a firehose to the face. A few tips on how to converse well.
Would your spouse say they feel "heard"? Authors Kevin & Marcia Myers help unearth a new level of intimacy through the power of intentionally listening.
Emotional flooding makes every marital conflict feel like an emergency. How do you slow down so every argument doesn’t lead to devastation?
Growing apart in your marriage can feel alienating, frightening. FamilyLife President David Robbins & his wife Meg offer proactive ideas to stay close.
What does it take to be happily married? Researcher Shaunti Feldhahn shares encouraging data about what makes the best marriages thrive.
Hollywood and fairy tales tell us that marriage means "Happily Ever After." But as Dennis and Barbara Rainey, and Jim and Carol Shores explain, there's much more to marriage than a catchy tagline.
Hayley DiMarco and Philip Holmes share their journeys of becoming debt-free. Brad Formsma shares some of the joy that is found in giving to others once you're free from debt.
Women want to see their husbands as their heroes, and men want their wives to see them that way, too. So why is it so hard? Juli Slattery helps couples understand the balance between seeing flaws and speaking life.
Wives, do your "helpful" suggestions sometimes come across as criticism to your husband? Psychologist and author, Juli Slattery, shares what a helper looks like in light of who God is.
Alex Kendrick explores how our relationships with God and our spouse affects our worship.
What does it mean to be a man in your marriage? Dave Wilson shares not only what it means to be a godly husband, but also what wives need in a husband.
How do you define manhood? What source do you use? Dave Wilson clearly defines the difference between a boy and a man and why that distinction is important.