Greg and Rhona Gunn talk about the value of developing a family vision.
Dennis Rainey honors Brian and Mel Birdwell for standing by their vows through trying times.
Dennis Rainey talks with 9/11 survivor Brian Birdwell and his wife, Mel.
Ten years into the marriage, Nancy decided it was time to leave the abuse routinely initiated by her husband.
Nancy Murphy talks about the cycle of abuse many women endure and the fear and anger that often triggers the violence.
Nancy Murphy talks about the domestic abuse she endured at the hands of her former husband.
Jeannie, wife of Tom Elliff lists some of the questions she asks Tom yearly to keep their marriage sharp.
Tom Elliff encourages husbands to ask their wives a set of questions if they want to see their marriage thrive.
Ken Sande, author of Peacemaking for Families, about following Christ's example of forgiveness.
Chip Ingram talks about how God's prescription for love differs from that of Hollywood's.
Gary and Barbara Rosberg talk about the joy of celebrating your marriage.
Gary and Barbara Rosberg talk about how a couple must have "persevering love."
Gary and Barbara Rosberg share the first step to divorce proofing your marriage - practicing forgiving love.
Gary and Barbara Rosberg talk about the marital road map that begins at a dream but ends with discord and emotional divorce.
Gary Rosberg tells how a picture drawn by his five-year-old daughter was the wake-up call he needed to bring him home.
Empty nesters David and Claudia Arp talk about making the later years of your marriage better than the early years.
Dave and Claudia Arp talks about the necessity of letting go of the past and moving forward into the life God has waiting.
Empty nesters David and Claudia Arp talk about the adjustments parents must make after the children leave home.
Pastor Dr. Gary Chapman talks about building better communication in marriage.
Dr. Gary Chapman talks about living and loving your mate in a covenant marriage.
Dick Purnell encourages singles to seek a balanced relationship when looking for a mate.
Dick Purnell talks to singles about his own ups and downs as a single looking for love.