As parents, our job is to make sure our children grow into responsible adults. Dru Joyce II and Ron Deal share different character traits to instill in your children and some helpful ways to teach them.
Bruce Goff, a relatively new dad with a toddler, gets pick the brain of an older, wiser, more experienced dad, Bob Lepine.
Matt Hammitt had assumed loving Jesus would overcome his neglect of his marriage. But a moment at the dining table changed everything when his wife, Sarah, made the desperate plea, "I need you to lead me."
Matt and Sarah Hammitt describe the many risk factors facing their marriage due to his musical career as the lead singer of the band Sanctus Real.
Dads, it's never too late to win your daughter's heart. Michelle Watson Canfield encourages fathers to stay invested in their daughters' lives.
Men often like to cut to the bottom line of a conversation, but a girl's heart often opens by sharing words. Michelle Watson Canfield bridges that gap by sharing practical communication tips.
Girls long for a good relationship with their dads, but dads often have a hard time knowing how to engage. Michelle Watson Canfield shares conversation starters that can knit the hearts of dads and daughters together.
Stepfamily instability can bring confusion and shame to families. But God works through imperfect people. Listen to Ron Deal's conversation with Ray and Robin McKelvy about God's love and grace that brought resilience and redemption to their stepfamily.
Bryan Loritts joins his father, Pastor Crawford Loritts, to talk about the value of a father's integrity.
Fathers provide innumerable gifts to their children, but the best gifts don't fit in a box. Bryan Loritts talks about the "RITE" gifts good fathers give to their children.
Bryan Loritts talks about the difference between a headwind father and a tailwind father. He explains which one sets his child on a trajectory for success by inspiring them to their God-intended destiny.
Bryan Carter talks about seven habits healthy families have, starting with having our priorities in line and paying special attention to how we spend our time, on FamilyLife this Week.
Bob Lepine, Shaunti Feldhahn, FamilyLife President David Robbins, Bruce Goff, Keith Lynch, and Marques Holt share the good, the bad, the simple and the hard things about being a dad.
When should you talk to your son about the dangers of porn? Author Dave Willis recalls his past struggles with porn, and offers dads some valuable insight into broaching this topic with their sons.
Dave Willis talks honestly about where he feels men are missing the mark. He reminds men that selfishness is the opposite of respect, and advises men to train their sons to serve others as Christ did.
Dave Willis recalls a time when his middle-school son came home and asked him a question that shocked him. He encourages parents to initiate those challenging conversations with their sons as soon as possible.
Josh and Christi Straub encourage parents to share their journey of faith with their children and to disciple them in the fruit of the Spirit. They remind couples that discipleship requires teamwork.
Joel Fitzpatrick loves to take walks with his son where he can represent the love of the Father to him. In a day when disconnection is the rule, Fitzpatrick challenges dads to talk to their sons about the topics they deal with on a daily basis.
As a youth pastor, Joel Fitzpatrick has seen countless boys struggle with what it means to have a life shaped by the gospel. Fitzpatrick encourages fathers to dive into deep conversations with their sons.
Jerrad Lopesrallies dads to be "all in" when it comes to spiritually engaging with their children. Lopes strives to be the spiritual leader in his home and wants his kids to see just how much he needs Jesus.
Jerrad Lopes shares practical advice to dads for leading their families spiritually. Lopes reminds dads that they can't just tell their sons what to do, but they need to show them what to do.
Jerrad Lopes' father left when he was 3 years old, which instilled in Jerrad a desire to be the father he never had. Marriage and fatherhood proved challenging, however, and he tells what finally woke him up from his self-absorption.
Steve Robinson, author of "Covert Cows," a book about his 30+ year career working as the chief marketing officer for Chick-fil-A, talks about the secret sauce of the company's success - the people who work there. Robinson explains how he has learned to a good husband and father.
Steve Robinson reflects on his long-time history with Chick-fil-A, and the core values of the Cathy family that have kept the family business thriving. Find out what distinguishes Chick-fil-A from all the other fast food restaurants.
As a kid, I identified with the boy in the song who wanted more of his Dad’s attention. 30 years later, I was the dad leaving my son wanting more.
I want more for Drew Brees and his sons than just what they can earn. And Jesus offers more.
Crawford Loritts deconstructs the passage of Scripture where King David charges his son Solomon to remember the most important things.
Crawford Loritts tells stories about his father's unyielding commitment to integrity, which he learned from his father, who learned it from his father.
For Dennis Rainey, life messages are bedrock beliefs founded on Scripture. We're exploring key themes from Dennis' life: five steps to manhood, the meaning of courage, and the power of the fifth commandment.
Ron Deal answers some of your most perplexing questions about being a stepfather.