We can't help but live in a social culture. But we can do something about how that culture impacts our children in blended family homes. Listen in while Ron Deal talks with pediatrician Dr. Meg Meeker on this important issue.
Jaquelle Crowe shares what her parents did right in giving her a strong faith. Her dad, Sean Crow, shares how important it is to live a transparent life in front of your children.
Pastor Sam Crabtree offers parents practical help for raising young children. Crabtree reminds parents that issues only get bigger as the kids get older, so they need to address issues as soon as they see them.
Sam Crabtree helps young couples understand the importance of loving discipline in their children's lives. Crabtree emphasizes that parents must mean what they say and be consistent with boundaries.
Brandon and Analyn Miller changed their parenting strategy 10 years into the parenting journey. Hear what they realized about their kids when they parented to their strengths rather than their weaknesses.
Brandon and Analyn Miller remind parents it's our job to find out what is unique about each of our children. We need to become students of our children to discover who God made them to be.
Authors Brian Mills and Ben Trueblood encourage parents to engage their teens in spiritual conversations before going to college. They talk about the two beliefs that determine your life every day
Your teens are college ready, but are they spiritually ready? Brian Mills and Ben Trueblood talk about the difference between parents who live out their faith and those who are Christian in name only.
Pastor "JP" Pokluda reminds us that "bad company corrupts good morals," and talks about the wisdom of walking in the counsel of the righteous. What if your children are walking with the wrong crowd? Pokluda shares sound advice.
Are today's college students ready to face the responsibilities of adulthood? Pastor Jonathan "JP" Pokluda says "No." Pokluda wasn't either. Coming to Christ, however, changed his perspective and his goals.
Author Jonathan "JP" Pokluda remembers his growth to adulthood and the many mistakes he made along the way. After chasing the American Dream, Pokluda tells how he found the key to real purpose and joy.
Tricia Goyer shares with Michelle Hill about her parenting experiences. She describes what she's done to help her kids move beyond grumbling to expressing thankfulness.
Linda Weber talks to new moms about their important assignment, encouraging moms to believe what the Scriptures tell them about their role. Find out how a mother's love impacts a child's brain.
Mom, you have a life-giving mission. Linda Weber, an author and mother of three grown sons, reminds moms that their influence makes a big difference both now and in the future.
Inevitably our kids will step in pot holes along the way to maturity, and Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler want to help. Together these authors talk honestly to young teens about the challenges they'll face in adolescence.
Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler talk about teaching young men to seek knowledge through education, learning from adults, and other wise steps. They discuss some of the biggest challenges teens face.
Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler tell about the unique mentoring relationship they began when Shuler was a teen. Together they talk about the eleven wise decisions young men must make to live a great life.
Trail Life USA® CEO Mark Hancock talks about the differences between boys and girls and the need to have boy-specific activities in scouting programs. Hear Mark explain to how to challenge boys, and call out their inner competitor.
Mark Hancock talks about the need for boys to develop a healthy sense of self as they struggle with the true measure of manhood. Inspired by risk and competition, boys need lots of physical activity to engage the brain, something he's trying to instill through the Trail Life USA® scouting program.
In a first world country, our kids know that everything they could ever want to buy is accessible. How do we teach them the value of things and money?
Many parents fall into the well-meaning mishap of clearing an easy path for their kids, regardless of the cost. Have you?
Wife and mom, Kay Wills Wyma, talks about the stress our kids often feel to achieve and how achievement doesn't have to be the boss of them when they know who they are and whose they are in Christ.
Does life feel overwhelming? Author and mother of five, Kay Wills Wyma, encourages listeners to find perspective and freedom by being overwhelmed with the truth instead.
Most kids on today’s campuses probably fall into the category of “bystander.” They know they should probably do something, but they don’t.
Jonathan McKee reminds us that every child is either the bully, bullied, or a bystander. McKee advises parents to discuss proper phone usage early on with their kids.
Author Jonathan McKee knows a thing or two about bullying. McKee was bullied throughout his school years and gives wise advice on how to handle the bullies in your child's life.
Dennis and Barbara Rainey talk about the increasing need for parents to talk to their children about sex and sexual identity.
Do your children know who they are in Christ? Dennis and Barbara Rainey talk about a parent's key assignment: to raise children with a spiritual identity
Dennis and Barbara Rainey talk about identity, one of the four pillars of parenting. The Raineys stress the importance of teaching children what to do with their emotions.
Dennis and Barbara Rainey team up with David Robbins and his wife, Meg, to answer questions from listeners such as: How do I encourage my teens to make good decisions? How do I handle sibling rivalry?