Chris and Michelle Groff recall the night friends awakened them at 2:30 a.m. to tell them their son had broken into their car.
The undeniable fact is that God expects parents to lead the family.
As parents we can grow accustomed to doing everything for our young children and lose the opportunity to teach them responsibility.
Can thankfulness be taught? Barbara Rainey encourages parents to intentionally cultivate gratefulness in their families.
Whether you realize it or not, you're building a memory bank for your children. Barbara Rainey tells why remembering all God has done for us is so important.
November is the month for thankfulness. But it shouldn't stop there. Barbara Rainey encourages listeners to practice thankfulness all year long.
How the high school coach of NBA star LeBron James teaches his players about the value of serving others.
Is technology use fostering a sense of entitlement and discontent in our teens? Youth expert Dr. Kathy Koch explains that our youth are wired to expect choices, so decision making is harder.
Dr. Kathy Koch, author of "Screens and Teens" talks about the emotional needs of teens, and explains how technology is affecting and fulfilling those needs.
How is screen time affecting your kids? Youth expert Dr. Kathy Koch examines how technology is shaping the way our kids think. Dr. Koch encourages parents to monitor their children's technology use.
Dr. Den Trumbull and Dr. Michelle Cretella give parents some sound advice for settling down little ones at bedtime.
What does it take to be a spiritually healthy parent? Michelle Anthony talks about six different dysfunctional parenting styles moms and dads often default to, like micromanaging or being critical.
When it comes to your home, is God in charge? Author Michelle Anthony reminds us that being healthy doesn't mean being perfect, but rather means letting God be the Lord of our hearts and homes.
We need to help our kids carefully discern good from evil without developing hearts that condemn others.
Answer these questions with honesty, humility, and dependence on God's power.
When Kay Wills Wyma asked her son to clean his room and he replied that it was her job, she knew something had to change. Kay and her husband began a 12-month experiment with their five children.
Kay Wills Wyma decided to end the entitlement attitude she saw in her children by kicking off a one-year experiment in her home that would reward her kids for household chores.
Kay Wills Wyma, tells how she implemented an unusual experiment designed to teach her kids to be helpers, rather than the helped, one household chore at a time.
Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy has joined ranks with the saints in Heaven. Hear a clip from an interview FamilyLife Today did with him from 2005, along with some recent reflections from Truett's sons, Bubba and Dan Cathy.
Training our kids to be good conversationalists is an example of living out the second great commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Film producers Stephen and Alex Kendrick challenge parents through their new book, "The Love Dare for Parents," to parent with purpose for 40 days, taking each day to intentionally love their children with the love of God.
Brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick reminisce about their childhood and the often comical spats they had growing up, and still sometimes have today. They point to their faith in Christ as the glue that bonds them together.
Parents need to intentionally seek out ways to encourage, teach and bless our children daily. Stephen and Alex Kendrick talk to parents about their book, "The Love Dare for Parents," a 40-day dare to parents to love their kids.
Have you taken a walk on the wild side lately? If you're like most men, you're either concluding a great adventure or dreaming about one. Stephen Mansfield coaches moms on how to relate to her reckless young sons.
Men have been given a unique assignment. Trouble is, many men don't know what that task is. Author Stephen Mansfield talks to Dennis Rainey about the unique attributes of manhood.
What are the marks of a manly man? Best-selling author Stephen Mansfield explores the world of manly men and what makes them great.
One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is disciplined speech.
Karis Kimmel Murray describes the “Murray Family Code.” She and her husband developed these rules to emphasize practical and biblical expectations for how family members will live and treat each other.
Youth entitlement seems to have reached epidemic proportions in both my family and society as a whole.
If we had only 30 minutes to talk with you, here's the advice we would pass on.