Frequently Asked Questions

Hosting a small group study.

Who should participate?

The concepts in our marriage studies will benefit any couple, whether they are newlyweds, engaged, or have been married for many years.

For our women’s study, the content is appropriate for women of all ages.

How many couples make a group?

We recommend from four to seven couples (including you and your spouse). If you have more people interested than you think you can accommodate, consider having someone else host a second group.

If you end up with a large group, consider breaking up into smaller sub-groups at times. This helps you cover the material in a timely fashion, and allows for optimum interaction and participation within the group.

What if one partner of a couple, does not want to participate?

Expect that some people will attend the first session wishing that they were somewhere else. You can dispel a great deal of anxiety and resistance at the first session by mentioning that you know that there are probably some who are attending reluctantly. Say that you are pleased that each person is there regardless of why they came. Briefly comment that you are confident that each person will enjoy the study and will benefit from it—while the commitment to the study is short-term, the potential benefits could last a lifetime. And assure the group that no one will be forced to share publicly if they do not wish to do so.

Can a non-Christian participate in a group?

Although the study is targeted for Christians, non-Christian couples can participate. Welcome the non-Christian into your group and seek to get to know him during the early weeks of the study. Sometime during the study, schedule a time to meet with the person or couple privately.  Talk about what Christ has done in your life, and offer an opportunity to receive Him as Savior and Lord.

What is the best setting for meeting?

To create an atmosphere that is friendly and comfortable, you need to have a place where everyone can sit comfortably and see and hear each other. If your home will not work, consider hosting in a small class room at church or local community center.

What time schedule should be followed?

The material presented in each session is designed for a 90-minute study; however, we recommend a two-hour block of time. This will allow you to move through each part of the study at a more relaxed pace and include time for fellowship or refreshments. Be sure to keep in mind one of the cardinal rules of a small group: Good groups start and end on time. People’s time is valuable, and your group will appreciate your being respectful of this.

What are the ground rules for the study?

  • Share nothing that will embarrass you or your spouse.
  • You may pass on any question.
  • Complete projects prior to each session.

What other things are important to communicate to the group?

It is important that the attendees commit to the group. They should also be committed to coming to each session and to completing the projects in between each session.