What to Expect at FamilyLife's Marriage Ministry Workshop


Watch “Why You Should Join Us”

This is not a peer-over-the-fence workshop to see if you’re interested in marriage ministry. And we aren’t going to lecture you on the how-to’s of a successful marriage ministry. Our one-day Marriage Ministry Workshop for marriage champions is based on the premise that no one knows your church better than you.

Instead, our workshop is hands-on. We’ll share a process we’ve developed that will guide you in designing a ministry to marriages that you can sustain, and then we’ll give you time in the workshop to apply the process to your church.

The day will volley back and forth between us. We’ll share concepts and examples in 10- to 15-minute segments and then give you time to apply the concepts to fit your church’s vision, culture, structure, and demographics. Plus, we’ll have group sharing and discussion so you can learn from other church leaders present.

At the end of the day each church will leave with a plan that is unique to it because the plan was designed by its leaders.

Learn more about who should attend.