Day 10: Three’s Company
Choose this day whom you will serve … But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
— Joshua 24:15
Marriage was God’s invention. And by design, the best marriages include Him: the three of you, working and loving together.
What’s this look like in real life? Marriage works best when you’re each individually connecting with God, obeying Him, looking for Him and His Kingdom everywhere (check out Matthew 6:33). Things get even better when you’re also growing spiritually together.
If you’re missing out on the spiritual side of marriage, you’re missing out on the best version of your relationship.
Got a plan for growing spiritually? Good news: Praying together is a great way to start.
Praying together for our marriage
He prays: Thank God for calling you and your wife to pray together and to give attention to the spiritual side of your marriage.
She prays: Ask God to give you both the wisdom and courage to walk in obedience to Him each day.