Day 2: Perfectly Different
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
— Philippians 2:3-4
Why do we have conflict in marriage? One reason is we’re attracted to those who complement us. Opposites attract, right? A task-oriented person may marry someone people-oriented; the thrill-seeker may be drawn to a steadying presence. And of course, the very differences that attracted you—that grow you as individuals and strengthen you as a couple—become stress points, too.
It’s important to recognize how you and your spouse differ … to talk about the unique ways that you approach life and to value that fuller perspective you have together because of these differences. As a result, you begin to see that your spouse is a gift from God—a gift that you can receive with gratitude.
Praying together for our marriage
He prays: Ask God to help you both recognize each other’s strengths and how you are better together.
She prays: Ask God to help you show each other gratitude and understanding, especially when your differences cause tension.
Are you and your spouse as different as night and day? If so, you’re not alone. Listen to this FamilyLife Today® broadcast and hear polar opposites Tim and Joy Downs laugh as they recall their differences and remind couples that God can use those “very different characteristics” in your spouse to mold and shape you in a beautiful way.