Day 24: What You Promised Not To Do

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
— Romans 12:10 (NIV)

Remember when love meant chatting until after midnight, and feeling like you could take on the world?

Believe it or not—marriage hands us a better kind of love. We’re talking real love. Committed, unswerving love.

In the Old Testament, it’s called hesed love: a tenacious love without an exit ramp. It’s a choice to love on the days you feel like it and on the ones you don’t. Commitment is choosing what’s good for us instead of me. It’s a promise made years ago that is carefully preserved in the mundane and the whirlwind. It’s a promise not to ditch for greener grass, even on the days your own yard is in winter or parched from drought.

Commitment is the stuff of legendary, God-fearing marriages—of untold, true love stories.

Praying together for our marriage

He prays: Ask God to empower you with committed love for each other, to help you choose to love each other every day.

She prays: Ask God to help you keep your commitment, to choose the best for us instead of fighting for your own personal agendas.

Going Deeper

Need a shot in the arm for tenacious love? Bob Lepine sets the stage.

◀︎ View Day 23: Never Alone