Day 5: The Front Burner
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
— Matthew 6:21
Do you remember why you got married?
If you’re like most couples, you wanted to do life with the one you love. You imagined the two of you would be best friends forever, thrilled not to be alone.
Best friends spend lots of time together. They intentionally put their relationship on the front burner.
When Jesus walked this earth, spending time with His Father was a high priority. He often pulled away from others’ demands just to be with God. It’s an inspiring pattern for marriage.
After your relationship with God, the most important connection you have is with each other. What other demands and activities are crowding your marriage?
Praying together for our marriage
He prays: Ask God to help you see any ways that your priorities should be adjusted to give your marriage its proper place.
She prays: Knowing that life can get too busy, ask God for the wisdom to know when to say yes and when to say no.
Could one of your relationship’s main competitors be your phone? Check out “My Spouse Wants Me to Get Off My Phone!”