Honeymoon at the End of the Journey
Nearly every newly-wed couple experiences discouragement on their way to happily ever after. In stepfamily couples, the pre-marriage fantasy of marital peace and harmony usually doesn't become reality for five or more years because it takes the family that long to figure out how to be a family. Merging people and cultures takes a while. That's why I like to joke that for stepfamily couples, the honeymoon comes at the end of the journey, not at the beginning. It may be longer but it's worth it.
Show Notes
About the Host
About the Guest
Nearly every newly-wed couple experiences discouragement on their way to happily ever after. In stepfamily couples, the pre-marriage fantasy of marital peace and harmony usually doesn't become reality for five or more years because it takes the family that long to figure out how to be a family. Merging people and cultures takes a while. That's why I like to joke that for stepfamily couples, the honeymoon comes at the end of the journey, not at the beginning. It may be longer but it's worth it.
Ron Deal
Ron L. Deal is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is Director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife®, founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, and the author and Consulting Editor of the Smart Stepfamily Series of books including the bestselling Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages® and Becoming Stepfamily Smart (with Dr. Gary Chapman), The Smart Stepfamily: 7 Steps to a Healthy Family, and Preparing to Blend. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist, popular conference speaker, and host of the FamilyLife Blended podcast. He and his wife, Nan, have three sons and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Learn more at FamilyLife.com/blended.
Ron Deal
Ron L. Deal is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is Director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife®, founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, and the author and Consulting Editor of the Smart Stepfamily Series of books including the bestselling Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages® and Becoming Stepfamily Smart (with Dr. Gary Chapman), The Smart Stepfamily: 7 Steps to a Healthy Family, and ...more
Sometimes, the road to marital happiness is a lot longer than you thought.
Ron: Sometimes, the road to marital happiness is a lot longer than you thought.
Announcer: For FamilyLife Blended®, here’s Ron Deal.
Ron: Nearly every newly-wed couple experiences some discouragement on their way to happily ever after. In stepfamily couples, the pre-marriage fantasy of marital peace and harmony usually doesn’t become reality for five or more years because it takes the family about that long to figure out how to be a family. Merging people and cultures just takes a while. That’s why I like to joke that for stepfamily couples, the honeymoon comes at the end of the journey, not at the beginning.
Yes, the road to the honeymoon—or maybe I should say “family-moon”—may be longer than you thought, but, boy, is it worth it. For FamilyLife Blended I’m Ron Deal.
Announcer: To find out more visit familylifeblended.com.
FamilyLife Blended with Ron Deal is a production of FamilyLife. Help for today. Hope for tomorrow.
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