FamilyLife Today®

Mike and Kim Anderson: Battle for Your Child. Fight for Your Marriage

October 5, 2022
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Podcasters and blended family coaching experts Mike and Kim Anderson began marriage fighting for their child’s heart eventually galvanizing their marriage.

FamilyLife Today
FamilyLife Today
Mike and Kim Anderson: Battle for Your Child. Fight for Your Marriage

Show Notes

About the Guest

Mike and Kim Anderson

Mike and Kim Anderson are the founders of Mike and Kim Coaching and co-creators of two online courses: Stepfamilies that Work! and Stepfamilies that Make It!.  Mike grew up in challenging stepfamily dynamics and then married Kim in 2001, forming their own stepfamily.  They have been coaching and supporting step-couples for over a decade. Their personal experience with stepfamily life and professional coaching background uniquely position them to help couples find success even in challenging circumstances.  In addition, Mike is a certified Life Coach helping individuals reach their goals in family, work and leadership.