FamilyLife Today®

Understanding and Practicing Grace in Marriage: Brad & Marilyn Rhoads

September 5, 2024
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When life gets busy or crisis hits, how do we understand grace and practice it in marriage? Brad and Marilyn Rhoads join Dave and Ann Wilson to discuss ideas for you to prioritize marriage as you go through life’s challenges together!

FamilyLife Today
FamilyLife Today
Understanding and Practicing Grace in Marriage: Brad & Marilyn Rhoads

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About the Guest

Photo of Brad & Marilyn Rhoads

Brad & Marilyn Rhoads

Brad & Marilyn Rhoads founded the ministry of Grace Marriage in 2015 to help churches and couples prioritize marriage. Before pursuing marriage ministry full-time, Brad practiced law for 22 years and witnessed first-hand the breakdown of the family. He serves as marriage pastor at their local church, where he noted a widespread absence of an intentional and ongoing approach to keep couples on a trajectory of growth. Marriage shepherding and discipleship were largely absent. Marilyn holds a Masters in social work and worked at Counseling Associates before choosing to stay home with their children. Marilyn and Brad have been married 27 years and have 5 children. The Rhoads continue to lead Grace Marriage, write curriculum together, speak at conferences, and work with couples. To learn more about the Rhoads and the ministry of Grace Marriage, visit or find them on Facebook @gracemarriage and on Instagram and Twitter @ gracemarriage.