Brian and Jen Goins

Brian and Jen speak for FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways and he serves as VP of Content Development at FamilyLife. Brian wrote Playing Hurt: A Guy's Strategy for a Winning Marriage because he figured other guys might like his sports analogies. Jen has a passion to help parents reclaim the family dinner table. They enjoy their kids, hiking mountains in Montana, and cheering their beloved Tarheels.

Episodes appearing in

Ever notice some couples seem to have a secret language? Jen Goins joins today to discuss how little loving gestures speak volumes. View Show Notes →
Ever wonder if you're any good as a husband? Does conflict with your wife leave you feeling outwitted or inferior? Listen to Brian, Jen, and Shaunti dive into the validating differences between men and women. View Show Notes →
If you don't know how to handle your wife's tears, you're in good company. You're not the only husband who's paralyzed by his wife's emotions. But what if you saw them as a way to understand her better? Listen to the insights Brian, Jen, and Shaunti offer! View Show Notes →
Sometimes marriage expectations collide head on with reality. Brian Goins and his wife, Jen, tell couples how to get their expectations in the bedroom down to reality. View Show Notes →
We all enter marriage with great expectations, especially about sex. Author Brian Goins and his wife, Jen, reflect on what their "sexpectations" were before and after getting married. View Show Notes →