Logan Fry

Logan Fry graduated from Virginia Tech in 2017 with a major in Hospitality and Tourism and a minor in Theatre. Since then, she's been living in Orlando, FL and working with the Campus ministry of Cru on the Conference Operations Team as a lighting designer. She takes pride in helping to provide an environment where students and staff can meet with Jesus without distraction. She also has been on staff at her church the past 4 years, running the Local Outreach ministry. She is passionate about engaging in the conversation on singleness and helping Christian Culture view it as something to be celebrated. Other passions include reading, ice cream, and Disney World (and her ideal day would include all three of those). 

Episodes appearing in

Singleness can be full of weirdness. Our Singles Roundtable examines what the Bible actually says about singleness—and how to live a single life you love. View Show Notes →
A Gen Z roundtable talks through concepts of Christ-following singleness to the next level—and gets honest about what it's like to be single and Christian. View Show Notes →