Nana Dolce

Nana Dolce teaches women and children at The New Macedonia Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., where her husband is director of discipleship. She has an MA in theological studies. Nana writes for various ministries and serves as an instructor for The Charles Simeon Trust.

Episodes appearing in

Infertility, foster care adoption, and embryo adoption: Nana and Eric Dolce's path to children involve all three—listen in for inspiration and hope. View Show Notes →
Have you ever felt unwelcomed or unwanted? That's where Ruth's story begins: as an outsider. But that's not where God leaves her. Hear more with Nana Dolce. View Show Notes →
Wrestling with bitterness after loss? Naomi did. But God was at work. Nana Dolce uncovers timeless truths about God from the book of Ruth. View Show Notes →
Ever felt powerless in overwhelming circumstances? Nana Dolce displays God's good providence through one courageous woman in the book of Esther. View Show Notes →
People have a lot to say about women in the Bible. But what's true? Their narratives, like all Scripture, point to Jesus, says Nana Dolce. Come meet a few! View Show Notes →
Fear the unknown? Nana Dolce explores women's struggles in the Old Testament, revealing keys to overcoming fear and finding hope in tough times! View Show Notes →
God's laced the Bible with stories of women strong or vulnerable, evil or deeply good. Author Nana Dolce examines a handful of these prominent females. View Show Notes →
The Old Testament is packed with the narratives of women whose lives foreshadowed Jesus. Author Nana Dolce examines several of their life stories. View Show Notes →
Throughout the Bible, God employs unexpected saviors. Author Nana Dolce peers into the lives of Old Testament women who intervened for His people. View Show Notes →
Stories pointing to Jesus don't start in the New Testament. Nana Dolce explores Old Testament women's lives, unearthing truths that shape us. View Show Notes →