Reagan Fillinger

Reagan Fillinger is a senior at George Mason University studying environmental science with a concentration in Wildlife. She is number five of six girls and grew up in northern Virginia. Reagan was a camper at Summers best two weeks for 10 years and is preparing to enter her third summer serving on staff at the camp in the Laurel, Highlands of Pennsylvania. Reagan currently serves as a student leader with Cru at George Mason University. She co leads the Welcome Team and is a freshmen girls small group leader. Reagan plans to pursue further theological training after graduation to serve in Christian ministry on a college campus.

Episodes appearing in

Can you keep real affection for your bf/gf without ghosting a friend? Balancing loyalty gets tricky. Bela Lemon & Reagon Fillinger share tips to keep your ride-or-die while still getting that date night! View Show Notes →
I need a friend.....deeper than small talk. Meet Bella & Regan, ultimate BFFs. From fights to belly laughs, they've learned helpful ways to keep your friendship strong! View Show Notes →
Don't know what to do with your life? Reagan Fillinger gets it—and pitches ideas for figuring out your future. View Show Notes →