Rod and Rachel Faulkner Brown

Rachel Faulkner Brown is a girl with a past like your worst nightmare and a future that sings with hope and healing. After marrying Rod in 2013, Rachel began her own ministry which has grown into nationwide outreach ministry to widows in 80 cities. Rachel and her ministry partner, Karen McAdams, published their first Bible study in January 2021 called Father's House and the Never Alone widows team created a devotional for widows called His Name-Our Hope in Grief. Father's House bible study and How to Widow Well, a 20 video curriculum for widows, is available on digital platforms, including Right Now Media. Never Alone Widows has hosted over 1200 widows for their curated retreats and conferences over the last four years and reaches thousands of widows each month through our local chapters. Although Rachel stays busy telling her story of hope, she would say her greatest role is that of wife to Rod and mom to her two teenagers, Davis and Campbell.

Rod is the lead strategic consultant for the Irresistible Church Network, which consists of 110 churches across the world. Rod has been in ministry for 26 years leading global teams on mission and leading groups for Northpoint Ministries as they have grown into one of the largest churches in America. Prior to ministry, Rod was a consultant for Chick-fil-A for 9 years during their early days of exponential growth.

Episodes appearing in

Remarriage after widowhood carries unique challenges and unwanted transitions. But hard dynamics in the beginning can move toward bonded relationships & family unity with time & effort. Listen to Rod & Rachel Faulkner Brown discuss their family with Ron. View Show Notes →