Real Life Loading...™

Keeping it Together: Grace Osborne

with Grace Osborne | May 10, 2024
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Feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle school, work, and simple sanity? Meet Grace Osborne as she opens up about her life as a college student, her student teaching experience, and her struggles with OCD. Could you also break free from the never-ending anxiety cycle?

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  • Shelby Abbott

    Shelby Abbott is an author, campus minister, and conference speaker on staff with the ministry of Cru. His passion for university students has led him to speak at college campuses all over the United States. Abbott is the author of Jacked and I Am a Tool (To Help with Your Dating Life), Pressure Points: A Guide to Navigating Student Stress and DoubtLess: Because Faith is Hard. He and his wife, Rachael, have two daughters and live in Downingtown, Pennsylvania.

Struggling to juggle school, work, and mental health? Meet Grace as she shares about her college life, student teaching, OCD battles–and marathon toward relief.

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Keeping it Together: Grace Osborne

With Grace Osborne
May 10, 2024
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Grace: God didn't create me broken. He created me to be in relationship with Him. I was just born into a broken and sinful world that left me feeling miserable, that left me feeling unworthy, that left me feeling unredeemable. While I was out trying to find my own solutions to these problems, I found that it was really only Jesus who can fully fulfill and fully redeem and fully heal.

Shelby: Somewhat anxious, always authentic, this is Real Life Loading...

I'm Shelby Abbott. I'm here with Grace Osborne, a senior at Radford University in Southwest Virginia. Why Radford? Not that I'm questioning your life choices, I'm just curious why you picked Radford over other schools.

Grace: Well, it boils down to two things. It was cheap.

Shelby: Cheap?

Grace: And it was only two hours away.

Shelby: Okay, where do you live? Where's your family at least?

Grace: Richlands. It's like near Tennessee.

Shelby: Okay, all right. So, you're even further down south.

Grace: Oh yes, Southwest Virginia.

Shelby: Did you know that I went to Virginia Tech?

Grace: I did not know this.

Shelby: Yes. So, I'm very familiar with the Radford area, not because I went to Tech, but because my senior year of college, I dated a girl who went to Radford.

Grace: Okay.
Shelby: I'm familiar with the town. I'm familiar with the campus. I have a lot of friends who still live in Radford. It feels like near and dear to my heart, because I've been there so often and to have a bunch of friends there.

Grace: It's like a really nice little town. It's small. It's cozy. But it's like a black hole, once you're here, you just get sucked in. I don't want to leave.

Shelby: It's hard to leave, yes. So, you've been through four years of college. You're student teaching now. Just for those who don't know, student teaching, can you walk people through that process of what that looks like? Because it's a very unique thing. to your community of people who are majoring what you're majoring in, wanting to do what you're wanting to do.

Grace: Yes. It's such a blast, I will say. It's a lot, but it's so fun. You get placed with a teacher, a certified teacher. It's typically a senior teacher. And you take over their classroom for a whole semester. It's like the first few weeks you're observing what they do, how they do it. And then they just kind of like let you lose. You plan the lessons. You work with the kiddos. You do the assessments.

Shelby: What grade are you doing that for right now?

Grace: I was in kindergarten last semester, and this semester I'm in fourth grade. And let me tell you, what a jump from kindergarten to fourth.

Shelby: Oh my goodness, yes.

Grace: Yes, yes, yes.

Shelby: What would you say that you enjoy more? Just off the record. Between you and me? Okay. [Laughter]

Grace: You don't have to say that. Kindergarten, I will openly say that.

Shelby: Kindergarten.

Grace: Kindergarten.

Shelby: Why was your answer so quick?

Grace: At kindergarten they just keep you on your toes. You never know what the day is going to hold and it's always just full of pizzazz. Fourth graders are over school, they don't really love it anymore. They have that attitude where they're just like, “meh,” you know.

Shelby: Yes.
Grace: Kindergartners love it.

Shelby: Okay. My youngest daughter's in fourth grade. [Laughter]

Grace: Then I take back everything I just said.

Shelby: Well, I'm curious because I've been in her school a couple of times. They do this program called Watch Dogs, where dads can come in and be a part of the school system for the day. And it is a distinct difference between kindergarten, first grade, all the way up to fifth grade. Because fifth graders seem like sometimes they're a little bit too cool for school.

Grace: Yes.

Shelby: They're ready to move on and grow up. And it's like, “Oh no, we've lost our innocence,” already. We care about what other people think.

Yes, I'm glad you like Kindergarten. Kindergarten is super fun. What are you teaching them on the regular? Walk me through a lesson plan for the day, just briefly.

Grace: Day, which grade? Kindergarten or fourth?

Shelby: Kindergarten.

Grace: Kindergarten. Oh my goodness. You do a morning meeting, so you kind of like lay out the day, and it's a lot of, how do you be in school. How are you a student in school. How do you line up.

Shelby: How do you become a person? Yes, yes, okay, in school.

Grace: It’s a lot of social skills. But you have to have the alphabet, and you have to be able to count.

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: So, the fun things. I like that.

Shelby: Yes, it is fun. Lots of art, right? Lots of projects? Oh my goodness.

Grace: So much paint, so much glitter. Love it.

Shelby: And you come home covered in that every day and you still love it.

Grace: Oh yes. My roommates don't.

Shelby: Alright. Is that what you want to do then, after you finish grad school?

Grace: Yes, absolutely, absolutely. Hopefully, Lord willing, I get kindergarten at some point in my life.

Shelby: But elementary school in general, that's where you want to be?

Grace: Yes, yes.

Shelby: These are these are the heroes. Elementary school teachers. You guys really are. First of all, you're not paid enough. You won't be paid enough. I'll tell you that right now. You're also literally shaping the future of these children. So I appreciate you.

Okay, so recently not too long ago, you shared your three minute story about how God has worked in your life over the last few years. You did that at a student conference in front of hundreds of people. So that's a different type of thing.

Now I heard about it from a few friends, and I actually went online and watched your story. So, I've heard it already. Would you be willing to share it with me again, right now? And if you can do the three minute summary, I would love to hear about how God worked in your life, and how your story is one of those things that magnifies Jesus in only the unique way that it can, because it's you.

Grace: Yes, absolutely.

So, growing up, I was diagnosed with a handful of mental health disorders. Along with that, I started wrestling a little bit with different temptations and attractions. These things combined, leaving me feeling broken. I mean, I didn't have the heart-posture of knowing God personally.

So I thought, “How could a God so loving and so kind and so perfect create something so broken?” I would shout that in anger in my room, like the a “whys.” So, when I went to college, I said, I'm going to find something other than God to fulfill me. I get there and I found Cru® first week. But it was just like the church game, I knew what to do. I went there to socialize. So I would go to Cru on a Thursday, just to go to a party on Friday, wake up in a different bed on Saturday, and then clean up and go to church on Sunday.

Shelby: Wow.

Grace: I was split between these two worlds and it was draining. I was miserable trying to find joy and fulfillment in things that could never do that. And I put on a mask so that people didn't know.

Shelby: So the Christians wouldn't know?

Grace: Exactly, exactly. My party friends didn't know what me and my Christian friends were doing and vice versa.

Shelby: So both, both places. All right.

Grace: Absolutely. And so, it was by the grace of God, honestly, that I ended up at Winter Conference of 2022.

Shelby: Which was for those who don't know, it's like a student conference that you get together with students all around the area, like the Mid Atlantic area. Was it in Baltimore or Washington, D. C.? It was in Baltimore?

Grace: In Baltimore.

Shelby: Okay. Alright, so go ahead.

Grace: Yes. I get there and it's a Christian conference. I wrestled with the feeling of “I don't belong here.” This is not a place for me. So I got, I was bitter. I was scared. I was angry. While there, these students performed this creative piece called, “If My Inside Was My Outside.” They said, “If my inside thoughts were known by others, what would they see?”

It just like struck me. It was they would see that I'm a fake. They would say, I don't want to be here. They would see the sin I was living in. And then they would dislike me as much as I disliked myself. While I was sitting throughout this conference, just wrestling with God, wrestling with the fact I don't want to be there, the speaker said something and it was just, I'll never forget it. He said, “The same hands that we use to praise God are the same hands we used to sin against God. and He loves us the same within those actions. The same feet we used to run to God are the same feet we used to run to the bed of another. And He loves us the same within those actions. The same mouth that we use to praise God is the same mouth we use to curse at Him, and He loves us the same within those actions.”

I remember hearing those words and I crumbled in my seat. That was a puddle. And it was like in that moment, I understood unconditional love. It was like the blinds of anger and bitterness on my eyes and my heart had just been taken off. I'd questioned, what is unconditional love? And I felt it in that moment.

I realized that God hadn't turned His back on me. I had turned my back on Him, and He loved me the same. It was just a beautiful moment of that. And over time, I've grown to realize that God didn't create me broken. He created me to be in relationship with Him. And that I was just born into a broken and sinful world. That left me feeling miserable. That left me feeling unworthy. That left me feeling unredeemable.

While I was out trying to find my own solutions to these problems, I found that it was really only Jesus, who can fully fulfill and fully redeem and fully heal. That being said, I'm not perfect now. I still struggle.

Shelby: You're not what, you’re not?

Grace: Right, I know. Plot twist.

Shelby: My goodness, yes.

Grace: Plot twist. I still struggle. I still struggle with mental health and attractions and temptations. But instead of turning my back on God and being angry at Him, I allow Him to be a part in my life. I hold His hand as I walk through that, and I think that's the beauty of who God is.

Shelby: Thanks for sharing your story because I think it probably resonates with a ton of people out there, who are going through maybe a campus ministry like you mentioned, and they're feeling a sense of hypocrisy. Like they're living a double life. And it seems like you got to a conference and God revealed that to you there.

You mentioned the word angry when you were at the Winter Conference. Why were you angry?

Grace: I think I was angry that I was there, but I had chose to go there.

Shelby: That is funny.

Grace: I think boiling it down. I was afraid.

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: I was afraid that people are going to like catch me. People are going to see, “Oh, what is she doing here?” You know those kinds of things. So, I was scared, and I was angry. It was like this weird blend of both of those emotions.

Shelby: Yes, did you get caught? You didn't get caught? So, nobody knew at that conference?

Grace: No.

Shelby: When you got back from the conference, after you crumbled like you said, in a good way - good way you crumbled, did you confess to other people and tell them? Did you catch yourself? Did you let other people catch you afterward?

Grace: Absolutely. I had a discipler for some time before that, but it was like walls were up. I wasn't telling her everything. I told her what I wanted her to hear. After that conference, it was really a listen, “This is what is the truth. This is what's really going on.
How do I walk this life as a Christian well?”

Shelby: Well, was she a student or a staff member?

Grace: Staff.

Shelby: Staff member. How did she respond? What did she say?

Grace: I can remember we prayed a lot during that time. It was like a praise God kind of moment. Something that like hit me the most was she's like, “I'm not mad at you for not telling me.” So, she wasn't angry, and I think that I was afraid of that. She'd be frustrated with me. And if she was, she didn't show it. You know, she told me that she cared for me and that she was here for me. Then we started looking at different studies to go through throughout the next semester.

Shelby: Okay, so she communicated appreciation for your honesty. She communicated that she wasn't going to hold something against you, make you feel shame, or she wasn't angry at you. But she said let's make an action plan of how to behave differently from here on out.

Because I love that idea of it's so hard to like, not feel better than other people when we're the ones who are behaving a certain way - not feel better, which we're not. We're not any better. But then at the same time not like champion and celebrate someone living in sin.

Grace: Yes.

Shelby: How do you walk that line? I'm curious if there's anything that sticks out from what she said to you that felt like maybe she was walking that line well with you.

Grace: That is a good question. I think the world of her. She'll say, “I relate to you in this way, and so I can meet you in understanding in this way.”

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: “Then I can guide you in this way.”

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: And she made it known that she's not pointing fingers at me, that she's not higher than me in any way, that we're walking this life together. She's just been walking it longer.
Shelby: Yes, and that's helpful regardless whether or not the person is several years older than you, or maybe if you're a freshman and someone's a senior, or even if - I've found that some of the people I've learned the most from are people who are younger than me, who haven't been walking with God as long.

It's like most of the people I'm learning from, I think in terms of practicality of what it means to walk with Jesus, are people who are younger than me, which is like humbling. But at the same time, it's also necessary and it makes you go, we need the body of Christ.

Grace: Yes.

Shelby: From like young people to old people, we need the body of Christ, and we can learn from everybody in that process.

Grace: We each have a role to play. I think that's cool thing about this generation now. I look across Radford's campus [not spoken clearly], and I see people who have only been a Christian for not that long and they are so passionate. They're going out and making other Christians, making other believers, and they're shepherding, and they're just faithful. I think that's so cool to see.

Shelby: I'm curious, as you talked about your mental health struggles, what have you learned about maybe the roots of your struggles? Is there anything specific that you come across in your life that you may have run across that you go, “Oh, that's why I act this way, that way, or what? What was maybe the Genesis?”

Whatever you feel comfortable sharing, because I found that it's really helpful to go back to the beginnings of things and get to the root of stuff in order to be able to not only diagnose what's happening in our lives now, but also legitimately get to the solution side of things, as opposed to just dealing with the symptoms of stuff. Does that make sense?

Grace: Oh, yes. It was 2022. I was diagnosed with OCD. And once me and my psychologist started talking through that, I was like, this makes sense. I see this pattern since I was younger.

Shelby: Mm hmm.

Grace: It was routine based, really. But she explained it like, OCD is the root, and the anxiety, and the depression, and all of the other mental health disorders are the flowers that stem from this root.

Shelby: Got it. Okay.

Grace: And so, we worked on targeting the root of the cause.

Shelby: How did you target the root? What are some things that you did?

Grace: Yes. So, for a long time, I'd just been on anxiety medication. And that's worked for me, it doesn't work for everyone. And we switched over to a medicine that targets more OCD.

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: So that's just been what's helped me.

Shelby: Okay, and then obviously talking about it with her.

Grace: Absolutely.

Shelby: Were there other people in your life that knew this about you, and were they able to help, if so?

Grace: It took me a really long time to be open about mental health.

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: It's such a thing in the church I grew up in, where it's like, don't talk about it, it's an awkward conversation. You just gotta keep it to yourself.

Shelby: Yes.

Grace: It's taken me a long time to get out of that shell to be open with it.

And so I think in more recent years, I live with three nursing majors. And they're so comforting in that sense. They love to listen. They love to care because that's interesting to them. So, they've helped me get out of my shell a lot.

Shelby: Yes. Are there other things that you were able to look back on? Like for one of the things for me, I'll give you an example: so, I'm little. I'm five foot six. I've always been made fun of for being little. Everybody's got their thing that they've been made fun of, that kind of thing. But I realized early on that I could do certain things in order to protect myself from feeling injured by mockery. Whether it be verbal, or like, people like pushing me around, or that kind of thing. I could do certain things. And sometimes that manifests itself as like, sense of humor or being able to have a quick comeback or whatever.

I’ve discovered more in recent years as an adult, that a lot of the decisions that I make and have made in many ways that are dysfunctional are as a result of the mockery that happened when I was younger. So, a lot of decisions that I would make, I could trace those back all the way to the fact of, “Oh, I'm insecure here because of being made fun of and feeling less than as a man or as a person or whatever by being smaller.” Now that's only happened in more recent years for me.

I'm obviously much older than you. You're doing that work now as a young person. How do you feel that might be able to impact you in the future, in terms of not only being a teacher, but also being a church member one day, or a discipler one day, or a Bible study leader, or whatever relationships that you're involved in in the future? How do you feel like what's happening now in your life and addressing those root issues are going to help you in the future?

Grace: I think looking back, you need to see, I've been thinking of a few things now as we were talking. I was like, oh wow, like, clicks, clicks, clicks.

Shelby: Share, share, share.

Grace: It was one thing in specific. I was more the awkward kiddo, and so I was not always invited to everything by people I would consider friends. And like, thinking about that, and thinking about where I am now and where I have been, the desire and the need to be wanted and to be needed, I think has played a big role into a lot of my actions.

Shelby: Yes.

Grace: Man, that one sparked. You just like pinged that right there.

Shelby: But yes, you experienced that specifically, because you experienced rejection, right?

Grace: Right. Yes.

Shelby: Okay. Do you think OCD was maybe a part of that too? Of a coping mechanism?

Grace: Probably, probably. I definitely think so, yes.

Shelby: So, your patterns, were they things like, I have to go upstairs a certain amount of times, or was it verbal patterns, or what was that? How did that manifest itself for you?

Grace: Thinking back to when I was little, and I never caught on to it until I was diagnosed recently. I was like, “Oh, that makes sense.” If I were to turn the lights off, I had to touch the light switch three times to make sure it was all the way off. I couldn't leave a room unless that switch was all the way down. If it wasn't down, I felt uneasy. If I left a room, I had to make sure the door was either shut all the way or opened all the way.
Shelby: Okay. Not anywhere in between?

Grace: No. Then there was also a balance thing. I noticed this when I worked in a garden shop. So, I'd have to lift flower baskets above my head. If my right arm like held a certain amount of weight, my left arm had to hold the same amount of weight. Otherwise, I felt unbalanced.

Shelby: Okay. Wow.

Was there anybody, like your parents or anything like that, that were able to go, “Aha, that's why?” Did they have as much of an aha moment when you were diagnosed as you did?

Grace: I told my mom, she was like, that makes so much sense. I said, well, yes, I agree.

Shelby: When did it start popping up for you? When did it happen a lot?

Grace: It was 2021 that I really started noticing, I just feel uneasy all the time. That's what I would think. And I would have to go out of my way to do these actions. I'd have to go out of my way to find a balance. It got annoying and that's when I was like, “I've got to see someone about this, because I know this isn't normal. I know this isn't right.”

Shelby: Okay. So, when you're leaving a room, and you have to switch off the lights in a very specific way. Is that happening as you're in like high school and college then?

Grace: It was happening in my freshman year of college when I started noticing. And then it was probably sophomore year that I went to counseling.

Shelby: Okay, so when you were a kid that it wasn't necessarily as much of a problem.

Grace: Mm hmm.

Shelby: Okay.

Grace: I just went on about my day.

Shelby: Okay. That's interesting too because a lot of that stuff happens in early childhood for people. Of like what you said you felt awkward and you weren't invited to a lot of stuff. Did it just bubble under the surface until you were a little bit older as a college student then?

Grace: Hmm. I would say I felt a lot of that weight in high school. Like I definitely noticed I picked up on the patterns, that my friends would hang out and I wouldn't be invited. I think that contributed to a lot of the bitterness I felt in high school. When you get a diagnosis after diagnosis, and suddenly all your friends disperse a little bit. It has a weight. And I think I carried that weight into college.

Shelby: Okay. Yes, that makes sense. That would be super hard.

So, I maybe want to ask this from one more angle. How does your faith in Jesus and the message of the gospel, how does that specifically address your mental health journey? Can you think of anything there?

Grace: I know of one thing and it's just grace. I think has been something that hits. That's what me and my discipler talked a lot about is that we're not made to be perfect, but that we have to come to God, and He is loving, He is merciful, and He will show grace. I think that's something that I grasp on to on the days when I just don't want to.

Shelby: Yes.

Grace: When everything else feels really hard. I'm like, God cares, God sees, and He is merciful.

Shelby: As you think about the stuff that you've been through, you've wrestled with, how do you feel towards your younger self? Like looking at who she was as a person.

Grace: I can't help but feel a little bit of heartbreak for her. My younger self didn't know that asking for help was an okay thing. And so, you push it aside, you put on a mask, you're, everything's fine and dandy. My heart just breaks for her a little bit. I wish there was more guidance in that. I wish that mental health was talked about more, when she was in high school, when I was younger. I feel a little sad for her.

Shelby: Yes.

Grace: But I'm also proud of where I've been and where I am now. So, it's like this weird, bittersweet kind of emotion.

Shelby: Yes, and patience is only learned through being patient over time, so you needed to go through those things in order to be able to experience the healing that you have now.

If you had, like, a few minutes to talk to her, what do you think you'd say? If you had to hit, like, a couple bullet points to let's say, sixteen year old Grace.

Grace: Oh man, that's like peak.

Shelby: Peak. I was, I was guessing.

Grace: I will let her know that asking for help isn't something to be embarrassed of, and that people do care and do want to help. I think another thing is God didn't create me this way. That it's because of sin that has entered the world, that we are this way now, and that He does want to have a relationship with her, and He does want to redeem her.
She just has to let Him.

Shelby: Yes. Do you think where you were spiritually at the time, she would have understood what you were saying?

Grace: I feel like that's tough. I went to church, and so I would read the Bible. I would do, like, Bible quizzing. So, I was reading the Bible to get the answers. Does that make sense? There was no real heart-posture there.

Shelby: No heart, yes. Empty religion almost.

Grace: Yes. I think she would have understood what I was saying, but it wouldn't have hit.

Shelby: Would you say that since you've been in college then, that's been like the time that the gospel has been actually fully revealed to you and you get it now in ways that maybe you didn't before?

Grace: Absolutely. Again It's because of Cru. It's because of the people that God has put in my life and the intentionality that they have in caring for me. They just showed me Jesus's love, and they've guided me in reading the Bible.

I lead a small group now, and I think going through the Bible with these freshman girls, I just like, catch little pieces, I'm like, “Oh, I get that now.” It's like little things like that, it just like, hits.

Shelby: Yes, that's really cool. Well, I mean, speaking of Bible studies, you talked about Cru, I want to know why Christian community is an important thing for you.

Grace: I think, wow, looking back at the friends that I have had and the believers that I have as friends now, we spur each other on. And living in my house, I love all of my roommates. The one who isn't a believer, I still learn from her, too.

It's just like, surrounded by love. Then I go to Cru, and you're spurred on, and you're poured into. I think that's something that's different. Is being poured into and truth being spoken to you, and the gospel being preached to you. Because we understand the importance of that, even as believers, you have to preach the gospel to yourself daily.

Shelby: Yes, yes. How have you seen those believers preach the gospel to you, that community of believers?

Grace: Sometimes it's truth. Sometimes it's hard truth. They're like, Grace, you're being an idiot right now. Come on. Let's go. Then sometimes it is just being there, being a listening ear, praying for you if you need it. My discipler. golly, I know I talk about her a lot. Love her to death.

Shelby: Keep doing it. Yes

Grace: She tends to weed me out. Sometimes she's like, “Come on, come on.” So, she'll preach the gospel to me. She'll say, “This is the truth even if you don't believe it, we got to preach it to ourselves.” She's teaching me how to preach the gospel to myself on a daily basis, when I’m not around my Christian community. When I’m at the elementary school and I have to preach the gospel to myself. And preaching who is Jesus and how can I live that out? You know, stuff like that. So, it's getting to see that at Cru, something I just find beautiful.

Shelby: Yes. I'd imagine it'd be easy to be able to understand how the gospel is relevant to your life, when you're at a large group meeting and it's like during worship or during a great message or whatever. How is the gospel relevant to Grace Osborne when you are standing in the middle of a public school with a bunch of little kids around your knees, clamoring for your attention? How is the gospel relevant to you then?

Grace: I think patience.

Shelby: Patience, okay.

Grace: I think about Jesus and how He loved the kids. We have to have the innocence of a child. I try to model His heart for children. And I try to model His heart towards coworkers, who are maybe a bit more difficult.

Shelby: Yes.

Grace: How does He love them? And how can I model that well? And so, sometimes it'll be a daily - I'm like, God loves these guys. Love God, love others. You're having to preach that to yourself on hard days.

Shelby: Yes, yes, I love that. That's so practical. I think a lot of people think the gospel is relevant to me when I accept Christ, when I become a Christian, and then I’m saved. And then the gospel is relevant to me, when I finally breathe my last and I go home, and I need the gospel to get into heaven as like a ticket.

But they neglect the gospel for all the moments in between. I love that you're talking about the practicality of something like patience around children. The gospel speaks to that very, very specifically. How does the gospel speak to you when you're in an environment like a public school, and there's news stories about how there's such a hostility towards Christians in a public school? Would you say that that's been true for you? How has the gospel relevant in that moment when nobody wants you to talk about what you believe, you know what I mean?

Grace: I think knowing, living out James - faith and works. I want to show my faith by my works. And so, though I legally can't talk about my faith in a public school, I can show what I believe. I can show the heart of who Jesus is in my works. Hopefully I can spur that on a little bit, when I'm working with my CT, I have stickers all over my computer. It's like, very Christian based, and so she'll ask me questions about it. I'll get to talk about it.

Shelby: Yes.

Grace: So, there's little moments like that that I live for, that I love. I love the curious heart, and some people would be like, Grace, how are you patient with these kids right now? I'm like, oh, let me tell you about Jesus, it's like the little moments like that.

Shelby: Yes, so you're allowed to talk to the teachers about it, right?

Grace: Yes, like at lunch, if it's just me and her and she has questions, we talk about it, but not in a classroom setting.

Shelby: Not in a classroom setting. Got it. Okay.

Thank you for being a follower of Jesus and I look forward to seeing what God is going to do through you in the future, you're going to shape the future, not only through your life, but the lives that you're going to touch. I'd like to think that God is going to use that in very specific ways. So, thanks for doing that and thanks for being with me today.

Grace: Thank you. This was cool. This was fun.

Shelby: I've known quite a few people who have become teachers and gone through the student teaching process. So frankly, I'm surprised Grace was able to make time for us here on Real Life Loading, but I'm thankful because her schedule is so incredibly packed, and I loved her unique perspective. What she's doing is super important. So when you get the chance, thank a teacher for all the work that they do.

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I want to thank everybody on the Real Life Loading team. You guys are amazing. Y'all make it happen. I'm Shelby Abbott, and I'll see you back next time on Real Life Loading…

Real Life Loading… is a production of FamilyLife®, a Cru® ministry.
Helping you pursue the relationships that matter most.

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