Ginger Plowman, homeschooling mother of two and author of the book Don’t Make Me Count to Three, talks to Dennis Rainey about a parent’s biggest challenges raising children–whining, sibling rivalry, and tattling.
Ginger Plowman Hubbard, Founder of Preparing the Way Ministries, is the author of Don't Make Me Count to Three!, Wise Words for Moms and No More Whining.
She is a contributing author of several books, including God Allows U-Turns, Rest Stops for Busy Moms and The Groovy Chicks Road Trip to Peace.
Ginger is an award-winning writer whose articles have appeared in numerous publications, such as Focus on the Family, Baptist Press, HomeLife Magazine, P31 Woman, and
An enthusiastic and compelling communicator, Ginger is frequently interviewed on television shows, such as The 700 Club, The Harvest Show and Primary Focus, as well as national radio programs, including Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey, Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Focus on the Family Weekend Magazine. As a nationally known speaker, Ginger ministers at women's events, parenting conferences and home school conventions across the country.