On the final day of Bob Lepine's farewell week, he shares the last of his most memorable interviews on FamilyLife Today and passes the baton to his dear friends and co-hosts, Dave and Ann Wilson.
As part of his farewell week, and in honor of Dennis Rainey's friendship and influence, Bob Lepine remembers their history, things Dennis has taught, and the legacy he has passed on to so many.
On Day 3 of Bob Lepine's farewell week, he shares with Dave and Ann Wilson about great FamilyLife speakers who have talked about the differences between men and women.
Today is Day 2 of Bob Lepine's farewell week as co-host for FamilyLife Today. In this program, Bob shares with Dave and Ann Wilson some of the greatest memories he has from the show on the topic of parenting.
Bob Lepine has co-hosted FamilyLife Today for 28 years, and today, he begins his farewell week, relating to Dave and Ann Wilson some of the top takeaways on marriage from his years with FamilyLife.
What's your favorite memory? Jon Gauger shares a favorite memory about his dad. Also sharing their favorite memories are Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Pastor Tim Keller, author Gary Chapman, and more.
What lessons have you learned in life? Jon Gauger gleaned the wisdom of some beloved Christian leaders: Tony Evans, Anne Graham Lotz, Ravi Zacharias, and others.
What would you do if you could do life all over again? Jon Gauger posed that question to some top Christian leaders: Kay Arthur, Michael Easley, Michael Card, and others.
Would you loved ones know what to do if you passed away? Widower Brian Kluth talks about the necessity of putting all your vital information in one place for your family members.