Series: Don't Make Me Count to Three
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
On today's broadcast, Preparing the Way Ministries founder and mother of two, Ginger Plowman, talks about some parenting techniques that are, in her opinion, ineffective and unbiblical.

FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Today on the broadcast, Ginger Plowman, homeschooling mother of two and author of the book Don't Make Me Count to Three, talks to Dennis Rainey about a parent's biggest challenges raising children--whining, sibling rivalry, and tattling.

FamilyLife Today® Podcast
On today's broadcast, Dennis Rainey talks with author and founder of Preparing the Way Ministries, Ginger Plowman, about a parent's response to misbehavior.

FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Today on the broadcast, Ginger Plowman, founder of Preparing the Way Ministries and author of the book Don't Make Me Count to Three, talks with Dennis Rainey about a parent's sometimes daunting task of disciplining children with love.
