Guest Episodes
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia in older adults and, unfortunately, there is no cure.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
If someone you know struggles with Attention Deficit Disorder, then you’ll want to join us today when biblical counselors David Powlison and Ed Welch, answer Dennis Rainey’s questions about ADD.
Guest Articles
Help for Those Grieving a Suicide
How do you come to terms with the suicide of someone you know and love?
Rape Recovery
Every time you remember, every time you struggle, every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you, ask Him to help you.
Help for the Suicidal
God offers you true, living hope–not a false hope based on your death. Find expertise for helping a friend in these thoughts from the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.
Living with Debilitating Fatigue
Extreme fatigue strips life down to the bare basics of human need and God’s grace.
Dealing With Your Anger
If you don’t learn how to handle anger, you will constantly hurt others.
Anxiety: How Can I Cope?
God’s Word is filled with many good, useful, and true things that are meant to help you in your struggle with worry and fear.